Module 3: Going upstream: Understanding root causes to stop violence before it starts

Understanding Root Causes - Module 3 Survey

We are always striving to improve our training and would deeply appreciate a few minutes of your time to support the ongoing evaluation of the module. 

1 = Very low2 = A little bit low3 = So-so4 = A little bit high5 = Very high
Your knowledge on why it is important to focus on the root causes of domestic and sexual violence
Your knowledge on root causes and drivers of domestic and sexual violence
Your knowledge on how the root causes and drivers of domestic and sexual violence show up in our daily lives
Your knowledge on how a primary prevention framework can help the human service sector address the root causes of violence
1 = Very low2 = A little bit low3 = So-so4 = A little bit high5 = Very high
Your knowledge on why it is important to focus on the root causes of domestic and sexual violence
Your knowledge on root causes and drivers of domestic and sexual violence
Your knowledge on how the root causes and drivers of domestic and sexual violence show up in our daily lives
Your knowledge on how a primary prevention framework can help the human service sector address the root causes of violence

Thank you for completing the survey. Please submit your responses and go back to the course page to receive your certificate of completion.

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